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Here in Assembly District 4, we face some big


Here's what Rebecca has to say about some of our communities' most pressing problems. With a background in Environmental Science, ten years of experience growing a small business, and four years of service as an elected Trustee and Deputy Mayor in Port Jefferson Village, Rebecca's experience and actions position her to start tackling these issues on day-one in Albany.


Cost of Living

Long Island is one of the most expensive places in the country to live. As a small business owner, I understand the stress families go through to make ends meet. From underfunding the Long Island Rail Road to attempting to short change our public schools, Albany has thought of Long Island as its piggy bank for too long. You can count on me to stand up to leaders in Albany and fight for Long Island’s fair share.

ERA/Women’s Rights

I fully support the Equal Rights Amendment. Passing the ERA into the New York State constitution will finally guarantee equal treatment under the law regardless of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. This isn’t’ just about being fair- it’s about respect and dignity for all New Yorkers.

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Climate Change

I’m deeply committed to bringing my background in Environmental Science to Albany so that we can effectively combat climate change and protect our environment for future generations. I've been tackling this work as the Deputy Mayor of Port Jefferson, but I know that New York State  must take urgent action to reduce carbon emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and invest in sustainable infrastructure. Long Island is uniquely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise, extreme weather events, and coastal erosion. By prioritizing policies that promote clean energy development, conservation efforts, and resilience planning, we can mitigate the effects of climate change and build a more sustainable future for our community.

Accessible and Affordable
Mental and Physical Healthcare

Healthcare is a human right- not a privilege. Every New Yorker deserves high quality affordable health coverage, including mental healthcare coverage. We need more of a focus on preventative care to create a healthier New York for all. Since New York a is leader when it comes to training physicians, I will prioritize leveraging that resource and make sure that we are not only training, but retaining providers with legislation that ensures both safe workplace environments for our healthcare workers and improved patient care.

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Revitalizing our
Main Streets

I’m dedicated to revitalizing our Main Streets and supporting our local businesses. After growing my own small business for 10 years, I will serve as an experienced voice in these legislative conversations. Main streets are the heart of our communities, and they play a vital role in fostering economic growth and creating vibrant, walkable neighborhoods. We need to invest in infrastructure improvements, provide resources and incentives for small businesses, and promote mixed-use development that encourages foot traffic and community engagement. By working together with residents, business owners, and local leaders, we can ensure that our Main Streets thrive as hubs of activity and opportunity.

Public Safety

I believe in a comprehensive approach to public safety and crime that prioritizes both effective law enforcement and community-based solutions. We are fortunate to live in some of the safest communities in the world, and I will work everyday to protect and further improve that. We’ll do this by making sure that we are investing in crime prevention strategies as well as providing our police with the resources needed to address public safety and criminal incidents. I will make sure that the state is investing in community initiatives and after school programs to support and expand efforts in our local school districts to enrich student development. Our justice system will stop functioning as a revolving door when we prioritize programs to prevent recidivism, providing individuals with tools for success. With hate crimes on the rise, we need to be sure that every resident- regardless of their intersectional identities- feels safe and is safe in our communities. I will also be a champion for families and individuals afflicted by addiction, continuing to advocate for increased treatment services and preventative strategies. With investments in mental health services, we must finally get individuals the help they need.

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